Monday, January 21, 2013

Planned Online Scifi Serial

Hello people who are reading this,

Normally, I post updates on the books in my Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic Series, I am currently writing, however I am planning to host a weekly serialised science fiction story on this blog every Friday. This will be a collaberative efforts hopefully with other indie authors who also write science fiction. If you have a blog or Amazon page if you have any books out, I will mention it at the end of your installment. If you are interested in participating, you can send me a message on my facebook page saying you would like to participate in my serial.

Hopefully this will draw people to my blog and help those of you who contribute each week and myself to obtain new readers of our books.


My website has links to places where the print, Kobo, Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords versions of my Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic books are sold. You can also read excerpts from each book.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Second Edition of Amderesta The 3rd Republic

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, I made the Kindle version of Amderesta The 3rd Republic, Second Edition available on the US, UK, German, Italian, Spanish, Canadian, Japanese, and other Amazon sites.

During the month of November last year, I wrote a science fiction novel set during the time period of Amderesta The 3rd Republic which expands this paragraph in the first edition: On the AAR-Third Republic border, Amderestan Army Republic Defense Force Combat Assault Groups crossed into Third Republic space and conducted cross border attacks in violation of the treaty signed with the 3rd Republic. Over the next ten years, the Amderestan Defense Force Combat Assault Groups and Amderestan Army Defense Force fought almost daily assaults against the installations on each side of the border. This paragraph has been removed from the Second Edition and replaced with the entire text of Amderesta The 3rd Republic: The 3rd Third Republic-AAR War which I wrote during last year's NaNoWriMo

My plan is to release the forthcoming scifi novel Amderesta The 3rd Republic: The 3rd Third Republic-AAR War as a seperate novel for those who get the first edition of Amderesta The 3rd Republic in August.

I hope everyone has great 2013,


If you like to read excerpts of my books visit my website at If you are on facebook, like the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic Series facebook page.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Future installments on Wattpad


If you have been reading the serialised versions of my forthcoming books on Wattpad, I'll be listing the dates when each installment is posted below. Starting this month, my scifi novel Amderesta The 3rd Republic: The 3rd Third Republic-AAR War will be uploaded on a bi-weekly basis to wattpad.

The dates I will upload each chapter  is  as follows:

Chapter Six will be uploaded on 05 January 2013.

Chapter Seven will be uploaded on 19 January 2013.

Chapter Eight will be uploaded on 02 February 2013.

Chapter Nine will be uploaded on 16 February 2013.

Chapter Ten will be uploaded on 23 February 2013.

Chapter Eleven will be uploaded on 09 March 2013.

Chapter Twelve will be uploaded on 16 March 2013

The upload date for Chapter Thirteen which I'm currently writing is tentatively set for 30 March 2013. That's all depends on whether or not I've finished writing this chapter and novel as a whole. After that I'll be serialising my currently being written novel Amderesta The 3rd Republic: The Post-War Years which covers a 27 year period in my novel Amderesta The 3rd Republic from the end of the 2nd Third Republic-AAR War to the year 89,980.   You can read the first five chapters of Amderesta The 3rd Republic: The 3rd Third Republic-AAR War by visiting this link: leave your comments and feedback, thanks.