Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Review of Collapse by Richard Stephenson

I finished reading the Advance Review Copy of Collapse which was sent to me in electronic format by Richard Stephenson who is the author of this book. The book follows three main characters, Howard Beck, Richard Dupree and Maxwell Harris.The plotlines that are present throughout this book can almost be found in your newspaper or on the internet. If you like reading novels written by Tom Clancy and simular authors, I recommend you get a copy of Collapse to read on July 6th. If you like to read the first seven chapters, you can download a preview from Smashwords via this link: Colapse will be avilable from Amazon and Barnes and Noble in Paperback and ebook versions on July 6, 2012
Richard Stephenson is a US Army veteran who served as a MP before becoming involved with Federal Law Enforcement. His oldest child who has Asperger's Syndrome inspired the character of Howard Beck in Collapse who also has Asperger's.