Monday, May 28, 2012

My Recommended Reading Order for the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series

If you haven't read any of the eight books currently avaialble in the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series, they are meant to be read in chronological order starting with Amderesta The 3rd Republic followed by Amderesta The 4th Republic #1. The NDEG Mission, Amderesta The 4th Republic #2. The SSAAR-Yenturian-Amderestan War, Amderesta The 4th Republic #3. The Colonization, Amderesta The 4th Republic #4. The Bytoris Plague, Amderesta The 4th Republic #5. Operation Retribution, Amderesta The 4th Republic #6. The Alien War/Amderestan-EGA War/Army Command and Amderesta The 4th Republic #7. Return to Civilian Control. I am currently in the process of writing the ninth book in the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series along with a prequel to Amderesta The 3rd Republic. The series is intended to be read as an ongoing serial , i.e each book continues the storylines of the previous book in the series. The eight books currently available in the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series can be purchased individually or in an omnibus from amazon sites in the United States, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain in paperback versions printed through CreateSpace and kindle verions. This blog post like my others is linked to my facebook page:, so if you are on Facebook stop by my page and leave your comments concerning my books, thanks. Daniel